An artist with a hard candy design shell.
Third time is a charm!

Try and Stop Me

encaustic, painting

Third time is a charm!

Third time is a charm!

Inspired by this pic that my sister-in-law posted after yet another shitty thing said by Trump and his cronies. I decided to test the transfer technique using DASS Supersauce and Dass Transfer Film.

 I coated the wood surface with metallic paint/stain for extra shiny goodness. Little did I know that the wax was not super friendly with that. Another encaustic learning experience.

I coated the wood surface with metallic paint/stain for extra shiny goodness. Little did I know that the wax was not super friendly with that. Another encaustic learning experience.

 Then I used iridescent gold encaustic paint.

Then I used iridescent gold encaustic paint.

 Here’s the first film transfer, checking it out how it will look.

Here’s the first film transfer, checking it out how it will look.

 “Testing” how it will look with the text element over the top.

“Testing” how it will look with the text element over the top.

 Transfer complete. Because the encaustic surface isn’t porous the transfer can be very delicate. In this case it only enhanced the overall look of the piece.

Transfer complete. Because the encaustic surface isn’t porous the transfer can be very delicate. In this case it only enhanced the overall look of the piece.

 The text transfer was very touchy. Big bits peeled right off when I was lifting the film. Luckily I had anticipated this, and planned on another layer.

The text transfer was very touchy. Big bits peeled right off when I was lifting the film. Luckily I had anticipated this, and planned on another layer.

 Mostly successful. I learned a lot! It definitely has a political poster feel to it. Sara liked it, which is really what counts.   Special thanks to Bonny Lhotka at DASS. An accomplished artist in her own right, she answered all my questions and off

Mostly successful. I learned a lot! It definitely has a political poster feel to it. Sara liked it, which is really what counts.

Special thanks to Bonny Lhotka at DASS. An accomplished artist in her own right, she answered all my questions and offered tips for more successful transfers.

Thanks Bonny!