An artist with a hard candy design shell.
green river rd.png

SE Green River Headworks RD

 SE Green River Headworks RD

February 8, 2023  PALMER, WA
I was getting the itch to end my exploratory hiatus, so I ran down to Palmer to try driving SE Green River Headworks RD and take a small trip to Howard A Hansen Reservoir. The drive out to Palmer isn’t bad either but I was looking to escape the towns and get rural. Unfortunately, I didn’t zoom in enough to notice the gate of the water filtration plant. Denied! I still got a little bit of a drive, but not as much as I was hoping!

Mapping Software
Google Maps

Music (via Epidemic Sound)
* Schumann 432-1 Root Chakra Breathing - 369 :
* Zilch - Jobii:
* The Disco Frog - Rymdklang Soundtracks:

Thanks for watching!